Energy Restoration Process
The main purpose of the Energy Restoration Process is to provide a list of practical
dietary, behavioural, and supplemental interventions that a person could incorporate
into their life as they are able to, and as they see fit.
The idea is to provide the body with the building blocks that it needs to create energy. With adequate energy, the body will regenerate, heal, balance, and organize
itself to create health and eliminate symptoms or disease conditions.
These building blocks are electrolyte minerals, trace minerals, fat-soluble vitamins,
carbohydrate, protein, water, light, and magnetism. Above all that, there are some very useful supplements we can use to help us facilitate these processes, and to reverse both deficiencies and toxic accumulations that occur over a lifetime of living in an imperfect environment.
- Restore efficient energy production
- Optimize carbohydrate metabolism - so that you're actually using the carbs you eat
- Decrease overall activation of the stress systems
- Improve thyroid function
- Repair mitochondrial damage
- Reverse accumulations of toxicity
Energy Promoters
Electrolyte Minerals
Electrolyte minerals are extremely essential and foundational pieces to human health. They allow us to perform the most basic physiological functions, create energy, hydrate our cells, and much more. They conduct electrical energy throughout the body, and need to be replenished daily.

From Magnesium Bicarbonate, Magnesium Taurate, and/or Magnesium Glycinate
Magnesium is required for over 40% of the body's enzyme function. It has a major role in energy production, in using carbohydrates properly, hydration, and regulating stress.

Pure white sea salt.
Sodium is an important conductor of electricity in the body.
- lowers stress hormones aldosterone, cortisol, and adrenaline.
- helps blood retain water which can decrease swelling,
- improves magnesium retention
- helps with hydration.

From Coconut water, fruit juice, fresh fruit, tomatoes, root vegetables, milk, aloe juice.
Helps the body with:
- heartbeat and muscle contraction
- blood pressure
- adrenal function
- thyroid function
- shuttling blood glucose (sugar) into the cell for energy.

Grass Fed Dairy products.
Dietary calcium has a major regulating role on the Parathyroid Hormone (PTH). When the ratio of phosphorous to calcium is too high, PTH rises, pulls calcium out of the bones into the blood, and suppresses our metabolism.
The primary goals surrounding food in relation to the Energy Restoration Process are to regulate blood sugar, increase the metabolic rate with adequate carbohydrate and protein, minimize digestive burden, minimize polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) content, and maximize nutrient density. Secondary goals include increasing calcium intake to balance out phosphorous, and to consume a balanced variety of amino acids from protein sources.

The primary energy source of the cells in your body! Every meal should contain some carbohydrate.
The more easily digestible, or simple carbohydrates are preferred. These are ripe fruit, honey, maple syrup, and even white sugar.
Well cooked squashes and potatoes are also good in moderation.

Grass Fed Dairy
The best source of dietary calcium.
High quality, additive free dairy is a superfood containing real Vitamin A (retinol), Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, selenium, and CoQ10. Dairy also contains Vitamins B(1), B(2), B(3), B(5), B(6), B(8), B(9), B(12) in various amounts. It's a complete food containing protein, sugar (lactose), and fat.
Grass fed milk, cheese, yogurt, cream, butter, and sour cream are all great.

Ripe Fruit/Fruit Juice
Excellent source of digestible carbohydrate, Vitamin C, minerals, antioxidants, and other micronutrients
There are many great fruit options, the idea is to choose the best option that is available to you.
If the fruit is not ripe, it can be stewed or cooked to increase its digestibility.

Grass Fed Red Meat
Red meat is a high quality, low- PUFA protein source.
Grass fed or wild red meat like elk, venison, beef, bison, or buffalo typically contain B vitamins (B12, B6, B3, B2), Zinc, Choline, Selenium, Betaine, Potassium, and peptides carnosine and carnitine,
Eating nose-to-tail is an important way to get the variety of nutrients and proteins from different parts of the animal to experience it's true superfood benefit.

A true whole food multivitamin, and the best source of Vitamin A by far. Also a concentrated source of Copper.
Vitamin A and Copper work together in the regulation of excess iron. Excess iron can cause extreme oxidative stress, inflammation, and disease.
It's also a good source of B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, choline, zinc, selenium, manganese, and potassium.
The #1 superfood.

Eggs contain Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Cholesterol, B vitamins: B12, B9, B5, Biotin, and B2,
Choline is vital for both the liver and the brain, and a process called methylation..
Cholesterol is the building block for all the major hormones in the body, and it is also a master antioxidant.

Gelatin/Collagen/Bone Broth
Collagen containing foods are very important to balance out a person's protein intake. A diet solely of muscle meat can be unbalanced and inflammatory.
Collagen protein is anti inflammatory, anti stress, and anti fibrotic. Find it in:
- bone broth
- shanks
- short rib
- chuck roasts
- flank steak
- high quality gelatin or collagen powders

Shellfish like oysters, shrimp, scallops, and so forth are both a good protein source a great source of the very important trace minerals:
- copper
- selenium
- zinc
- iodine

Raw Carrot Salad
Shave up a raw carrot and make a salad with it, adding a little olive oil, vinegar, and sea salt.
This simple snack helps to sweep the colon, reducing intestinal bacterial overgrowth, estrogen recirculation, and helps with bowel movement.
Certain targeted supplements can really help us increase energy production, use carbohydrates more effectively, and reverse lifelong deficiencies as well as toxic accumulations that occur over time in an imperfect environment.

As mentioned above.
It is important to note that under stress, our requirements for magnesium rise. Things like lack of sleep, stress, headaches, anxiety, and so forth are all circumstances where we need to increase our magnesium intake.
Magnesium is also an excellent heavy metal chelator. Accumulations of arsenic, cadmium, lead, and aluminum are inevitable in our environment.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E is our primary defense against the damage done by the accumulation and oxidation of both Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids (PUFA) and excess Iron in our tissues, blood, and organs.
This comes from a lifetime of consumption of vegetable oils, nut butters, seed oils, fried food, chips, iron fortified wheat, and Omega-3 supplements.
Vitamin E also helps us reduce excess estrogen.

Vitamin K2
Vitamin K2 is the ultimate calcium regulator.
Calcium regulation is the hallmark of dental, bone, artery, and cell health.
It is the role of both magnesium, and Vitamin K2, to direct calcium into where it belongs.
This means getting calcium out of your tissues, blood, and cells, and back into your bones.

B Complex
The B Vitamins are involved in so many physiological functions, but they are heavily involved and priceless in the context of energy metabolism.
Extra support with B1, B2, and B3 specifically can really help us transition into a more efficient metabolic state, where we are burning the carbs we consume and creating lots of energy. But all the B's work together, that's why a B complex is a great option.

Methylene Blue
Methylene Blue repairs damaged tissue, cells and mitochondria, allowing them to restore proper energy function.
It restores the most proper, organized, and efficient pathway of energy production in the mitochondria.
It can greatly help us use the carbohydrate we consume as energy, as well as lowers inflammation, nitric oxide, and lactic acid.

Whole Food Vitamin C
This means berry powders like amla, camu camu, elderberry, and so forth.
You can also increase the Vitamin C content in the diet by adding plenty of citrus (lemons, limes, oranges) etc to your food or drink, as well as consuming berries cherries and other similar fruit.
These fruits and berries contain anti-inflammatory compounds, antioxidant Vitamin C, and also contain the very important copper, with synthesizes with Vitamin A (retinol) to help your cells use oxygen. Collagen production is also supported by Vitamin C and copper.

Medicinal Mushrooms
Adaptogenic mushrooms are a great 'whole food' style supplement to assist with our overall health strategy.
Mushrooms like Chaga, Reishi, Lion's Mane, and Turkey tail give added nutritional benefit from polypenols, polysaccharides, triterpenes, antioxdants, flavinoids, minerals (like copper), and more.
Behaviours & Interventions to ADD

Smaller, more frequent meals
For someone who is in a lower metabolism state, and does not store energy well, and/or gains weight easily, this is a great technique.
Carbohydrate and protein should both be included in every meal and snack. Eating small meals every 2-3 hours will stimulate the metabolism and help the liver get back on track.
Small snacks of fruit & cheese, or milk and maple syrup are good examples of this.

Drinking & Bathing Water Filtration
Our water supply is contaminated with heavy metals, all sorts of chemicals like residue from pesticides and pharmaceuticals, and then 'cleaned' by the aggressive addition of chemicals like chlorine, chloramine (chlorine + ammonia), fluoride, hydrofluorosilicic acid, and more.
We absorb all of these through our skin, and when we drink them. Its very important to get a shower filter, and RO or distillation drinking filter.

Blocking Blue light at night
This is extremely important for your sleep!
Blue light sends a signal to the brain that it is daytime.
When we do this at night, with artificial light from our phones, TVs, and laptops, we are disrupting our circadian rhythms, confusing the body, and blocking the regular production of melatonin.

Red & infrared light therapy
Red light therapy is a great tool to induce relaxation, regulate the circadian rhythm, and help the body stimulate energy production.
Especially in the winter, having a red light therapy device is an excellent way to lower stress.

Bedtime snack
A bedtime snack such as a glass of milk with maple syrup, or some fruit and cheese will help you sleep through the night.
Waking up in the middle of the night can often be caused by a rise in stress hormones, that occur when the liver runs out of stored carbohydate (glycogen) resulting in low blood sugar.
Protein and carbohydrate will help to stabilize the blood sugar while you sleep.

Reading Ingredient Labels
This is very important!
Most food items that come from a package and have a label on them, will also contain preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, and so forth.
Many of these items, such as citric acid, carageenan, guar gum, polysorbate-80, and so forth, are damaging to the gut, and some of them are known carcinogens. It is best to always read ingredient labels, and steer away from these ingredients as much as reasonably possible.

Use Red Bulbs at Night
Having a lamp light, or a bulb that you can switch at night is very helpful for optimizing your light environment to support good sleep.
Switching to red bulbs at night to light up your bedroom will create an environment that signals to your body that it is time to sleep.

Post-meal walks
Even a short walk after a meal can help the body regulate and stabilize blood sugar, and improve digestion.
Foods & Supplements to LIMIT

ALL industrial Seed or Vegetable Oils
These should be public enemy #1. Yet, unfortunately they are absolutely ubiquitous in our food supply.
Think corn, vegetable, soybean, canola, flax oil, etc..
These oils destroy our metabolism, inhibit thyroid function, increase estrogen, inhibit protein digestion, and complex with Iron to create an oxidized substance called lipofuscin (or age pigment, liver spots).
Lipofuscin is like a black hole for energy and oxygen, and it causes great distress in the body, and can be found at the root of many diseases.

Iron fortified foods
Excess, unregulated Iron is a massive contributor to oxidative stress and disease conditions. Oxidized iron is akin to biological rust.
It synergizes with the polyunsaturated fats (PUFA), and oxidizes to create Lipofuscin, age pigment, or liver spots.
All of the white flour in North America is fortified with iron. This means all of the breads, baked goods, desserts, cereals, and anything else containing all-purpose flour.

Very High Fat Diet
Too much fat of any kind in the diet blocks the proper metabolism of carbohydrates, and proper thyroid function.
Aiming for around 30% of total calories in fat is a good target, give or take.

Alcohol (in excess)
From a metabolic perspective, alcohol has a few main setbacks.
It causes damage to the liver, and raises estrogen.
It also depletes minerals, and B vitamins.
Knowing the mechanisms that alcohol has on us gives us a better idea of how to mitigate it if we do end up consuming drinks at a social event.
B vitamins, Magnesium, Sodium, and Potassium are at the top of the list for things to replenish after a night out

Grains, raw greens, legumes
Grains, raw greens, and legumes are not particularly supportive of the metabolism.
They contain certain amounts of anti-nutrients called phytates, lectins, and goitrogens.
These will inhibit protein digestion, slow thyroid function, and irritate the digestive tract.
That doesn't mean to avoid them entirely, but simply not to use them as your main source of food.

Nuts and seeds contain high amounts of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), and for that reason they should be consumed only in moderation or minimized.
They also contain fibre that is irritating to the digestive tract.
Nut butters are not to be consumed daily.

Too much starch
Starch is a form of complex carbohydrate.
Unlike simple carbohydrates like fruit/honey/maple syrup/lactose, complex carbohydrates are harder to digest, and require more enzymes to break the bonds within these complex sugar molecules.
In practical terms, starchy foods can crowd up the digestive tract, and ferment while they are still in the intestine, producing bacterial overgrowth.
Removing starchy foods is step #1 to remediating any digestive/gut issues.
This means wheat, grains, corn, potatoes, legumes, and rice.

Multivitamins and multimineral supplements are overcrowded and unnecessary.
They often contain the wrong forms of vitamins and minerals that will throw the body out of balance, and cause harm.

Omega 3 supplements
Omega 3's are the most unsaturated form of the PUFAs. This means that they are highly reactive to oxygen, light and heat, and very unstable.
They are absolutely NOT essential and should not be supplemented, and do contribute to oxidative stress, aging, and lipofuscin.
Behaviours & Interventions to LIMIT

Stress in itself is a metabolically degrading process.
Always easier said than done, but minimizing stress is an important factor for strengthening the energy metabolism.
Stress causes an increased demand on the building blocks of energy, such as carbohydrate, minerals, and B vitamins.

Large, infrequent meals
Eating smaller and more frequent meals is a great way to stimulate and support the metabolism, especially for someone who is just starting out, as they will not store energy well.
Consuming both carbohydrate and protein in the same meal or snack is important, and this can be done every 2-3 hours.

Skipping breakfast
It is very important to eat within 30 minutes to 1 hour of waking.
Over the course of the night, the liver uses up its stored energy (glycogen). When our liver runs out of energy, our stress hormones get activated, and they scavenge fat and protein from our tissues that is sent to the liver to be converted back to sugar for energy.
Consuming carbohydrate right from the morning helps us avoid this harmful, and metabolism degrading stress response.

Coffee before food
Caffeine is a metabolic stimulant. This means it can have a great effect when we use it properly, and a negative effect when we don't.
When you stimulate the metabolism in the absence of dietary carbohydrate, you will inevitably propel the body into the stress-metabolism described under 'Skipping Breakfast'.
Caffeine ramps up the body's use of fuel, and if there is none in the tank, that's when the stress response occurs.

Fasting has the same effect on the metabolism as does the previous two items.
The fasted metabolism is catalyzed by stress hormones, and relies on using stored fat and protein tissue for energy.
This causes the oxidation of fat in the blood, which creates a domino effect of harmful byproducts, it slows the overall metabolism, decreases thyroid function, and increases lactic acid.
(and it does not help you lose weight long term.)

Chemical-laden household items
Soaps, shampoo, body wash, surface cleaners, cosmetics, detergants, and so forth all typically contain a long list of synthetic chemicals.
Many of these have been proven to disrupt hormones, increase estrogen, inhibit thyroid function, and cause other types of toxicity.
It is best to switch to natural soaps, cleaners, and detergents wherever possible.

Intense cardio
Intense, long duration cardio exercise can cause stress on the body and burden the metabolism.
When an exercise is causing hyperventilation, and breathlessness, it is usually over-extending in terms of energy demand, and causing a stress response that suppresses the metabolism.

Extreme cold/cold showers
These two things cause acute stress which can suppress metabolism, especially in an unfed state.

Mouth breathing
Breathing through the nose primarily instead of through the mouth is helpful in bringing the body out of the stress state, and calming the nervous system.